Monday, September 10, 2012

I've Interviewed - And Tagged!

Have I been abducted by aliens? No. (Though I wouldn't mind if said aliens looked like Jeff Goldblum, circa Earth Girls Are Easy. Post-makeover version, please.)

 via 25 Greatest Male Grooming Moments in Movies

I have been interviewed by the amazing RYCJ at OEBooks, and have been interviewing (guitarist Peter Matuchniak, coming to this blog in a few days.)

I've also been tagged as The Next Best Thing by the awesome Ruth Madison, and am working on that post, prolly out next Monday.

I finally got all the business cards I collected at RWA#12 in Anaheim (uhm, from July) and SoCal Lady Blogger (I think that meet-up was May) entered into My Contacts and Twitter, etc. Because while I might always procrastinate, I do get around to everything... eventually.

FYI, if you postpone your housecleaning long enough, you too can find dust bunnies on top of your furniture.

Word.I followed the RNC and the DNC on TV, quite interesting.  Any of you who've been around here know I don't shy away from politics or controversial subjects, though I do try to avoid being partisan here. Disclaimer: Yes, I am a liberal, but I am not a registered Democrat, and I may not vote for Obama. I believe it's not only possible to have educated and civil discourse on the issues, but vital that we as a people learn how to do so.

Let me again encourage everyone to educate themselves on the issues, and VOTE. And if you live in one of the many states that has newly instituted voter ID, make sure you have a current ID that meets your state's standards; for many married or newly divorced women who've changed their names, your voter registration and your photo ID may not match.

If you want to be a stand-up guy/gal, please help your elderly neighbors to get theirs, too.  The process can be confusing even for someone who is young and computer literate.

Reading, of course, is a constant distraction. I have been reading many of the stash o' books I brought home from RWA. And on my Kindle. And piling said books on my desk so I can review 'em.

@Diane Tulak

I thought about cleaning my desk, too, but settled for clearing up the stack of papers on the floor near my desk.  It's a start!

What have you been postponing lately? 
Is your desk clean or messy? 
Do your dust bunnies have grandchildren?

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