Monday, March 18, 2013

Nobody Propositions My Feet Anymore - Aging Gracefully?

Foot fetishism?
Foot fetishism? (Photo credit: C1ssou)
Apparently, back in the day, I had incredibly sexy feet.

When I was in my twenties, running around barefoot in my apartment complex doing my laundry, this guy who was a friend of a neighbor who was having a party spotted me - and my feet - and was instantly smitten.

"I want to be upfront with you," he said. "I have a foot fetish, and you have incredibly sexy feet. I will <insert crude and lewd proposition here> for hours, if you'll let me fondle and play with your feet for a little while."

I was a little surprised, a lot shocked - and, I admit it, somewhat intrigued. He was kinda cute. He might be good at the aforesaid activity (though on the other hand, he might be terrible).

What did he want to do with my feet, anyway?

The writer in me said, "Say yes. This would make such a great story."

Then again, just because this was some guy who was invited to my neighbor's party, did not mean he was not a weird foot fetish serial killer. Though it would be hard to drag my dead body past the crowd of 30+ people in the courtyard.

I let the man sweet-talk me for a few minutes, then asked for a little time to think about it (after all, I still had to add fabric softener).

And my underage son was home, though due to be picked up by my ex within the next coupla hours.

It could be HAWT. After all, I'd seen the famous bondage and toenail-painting scene in Bull Durham.

Alas, it was not to be.  Apparently for that particular foot freak, at that time, it was a now-or-never kind of thing.

Once my offspring was gone, and my laundry was folded, FootGuy was nowhere to be found.

Later, I Met Another Foot Fetishist

I admit it, I was curious, and this new guy, too, thought I had very sexy feet and propositioned me, so we agreed to go for it. As it turned out, the date on which we had planned to experiment intersected with another date, one I marked on the calendar each month with red XXs.

We played around a little anyway, but by Bill Clinton's definition, did not have sexual relations. A lot of rubbing and groaning (on his part), a lot of counting the ceiling tiles on mine, except there were no ceiling tiles. You get the drift.

He was no Kevin Costner. Goodbye, Foot Fetishist #2.

It wasn't that I was unwilling to let him get his freak on, periodically (God, I'm saying this all wrong), but I found out he was a creepy religious type. As in, he informed me that Christianity was very important to him, and showed me his... pages, of his novel in progress. The first pages were full of lavish and loving descriptions of hell; torture and hot pokers and sharks ripping open people who don't die, just scream and bleed without surcease...

I eased out of any future dates very carefully. And if I hear his name connected with some gruesome serial killing, I will not be one of those people saying on camera, "But he always seemed so nice and quiet."

There's More of Them Out There

Bradley Cooper at the
Bradley Cooper at the "Whatever Works" Premiere, Tribeca Film Festival 2009 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It's not that I think that all men (or women) who are into feet are potential serial killers. I'm sure many of them are perfectly nice - I actually know one. Since he's my ex's best friend, we are Not. Going. There. Ever.

Besides, the man smokes cigars, and that's disgusting. (Next to cigars, feet prolly smell like roses.)

I've had wonderful foot massages as part of loveplay, but nothing that led me to believe my lover was especially into feet.  Sucked a few toes, and had mine sucked, but doesn't everyone? And the Internet is now buzzing with stories about Bradley Cooper and his supposed foot fetish.

It's not that I want footplay to be a part of my sex life. I just liked the possibility.

I Liked Having Sexy Feet

As a teenager, my best friend was kind of a bitch. She had these dainty little feet - size five, I think - while I am five nine and have proportional-sized feet, 8 1/2. When we'd do the whole girlfriends-kicking-off-the-shoes thing, my shoes looked like rowboats next to her tiny ones.It awoke all the Cinderella's ugly stepsisters with big honking peasant hooves complex I'd carried since I was little.

Me: My God, my shoes are huge!

What girlfriends are supposed to say: No, you're tall, they're not big at all for someone your height.

What my (former) girlfriend would say: Yeah, they are pretty big. Too bad you can't go on a diet for your feet.

A pair of co-worker G's shoes.
I covet those butterflies!
Time passed. I worked with a woman five inches shorter than me. Who wore the cutest shoes, and had the same size feet as me. I realized if she could carry shoes that looked cute, with her height, so could I.

It was shortly after that that my feet were first propositioned. Even though my big toes, all squared off, still reminded me of Frankenstein's monster.

I went shoe mad, for a time. I bought strappy sandals and red pumps and gold snakeskin shoes and dainty black shoes with bows on the toes. I got pedicures and wore toe rings. My feet looked mostly adorable for years. But then they started hurting.

I knew what it was - I didn't want to admit it, but my older sister serves as kind of a canary in a coal mine for me. And she developed a serious case of Morton's neuroma - in both feet.

Hers was so bad (because she dragged her feet about seeing a podiatrist) that she had to have surgery. As she described it, they cut them open and scrape off the excess tissue buildup, like scraping meat off a chicken bone. *gagging*

My feet, not so bad (yet). All I needed to do was get some cortisone shots, and be fitted for custom orthotics to wear in my shoes every day.

My double or triple width shoes, flats only, which I have to wear for the rest of my life.

I Am Now a Lifetime Member of the Sisterhood of the Butt-Ugly Shoes

Plus I fail miserably at doing my own pedicures. Afterwards there is so much nail polish splattered all over my toes they look like they've participated in a serial murder.

Co-worker A
It's rather depressing. The women I work with wear shoes so sexy they'd bring tears of envy to the eyes of a porn star. And there I am, in my grandma shoes.

The only thing I have resisted so far is Birkenstocks (though I hear they're quite comfortable).

I've tried going to a regular shoe with just a little bitty heel once in a while, and it feels like I stepped on a nail. You can't look sexy unless you feel sexy, and you definitely can't strut your stuff when you're limping like you have a nail stuck in your foot.

Co-worker G
In fact, some days my foot feels like that anyway. I probably need another cortisone shot. Still hoping to avoid the gruesome meat-chicken-bone operation.

It's not like I was into the whole foot fetish thing. (Although I could make an exception for Bradley Cooper.) But I mourn the loss of my foot desirability. I want to be the one turning down the foot freaks, not be turned down by them.

But it is what it is. Now that I'm old a mature woman in the prime of her life, I know I should be damned grateful - and I am - that I have (relatively) healthy, functioning feet that take me where I want to go.

I would still like to punch that c**t Cinderella in the face.

Want to read more posts on aging gracefully (or fighting it all the way?)

Generation Fabulous

Do you suffer shoe envy, or can you still wear the good stuff?
Have you ever made footplay part of your loveplay?
(You can tell me, I won't tell anyone.)
Your thoughts?

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Karen Wojcik Berner's avatar

Karen Wojcik Berner · 625 weeks ago

Shoe envy--all the way! I never where heels past two inches tall anymore. Afraid I would look like an elephant in a tutu balancing on toe shoes! :)
My recent post Until Nominated for a Readers' Choice Award
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
I LOVE those shoes, but I would be taking them off real fast! Fun post, Bev!
My recent post Rape In The News: There Is Justice
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
I just find heels really annoying - they look great and you feel sexy wearing them, but oh my goodness, if you are wearing them and need to be somewhere in a hurry, forget about it!!

I must admit, I'm not massively into feet ... they're all right ... but don't think I'd ever think to include them in love play ... it would depend on my partner. I'm not too fussed :)
My recent post Tuesday Thoughts ...
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
I think I have worn high heels exactly twice in my life. I found them to be massively uncomfortable, and therefore unsexy as I tottered around trying to maintain my balance. I'm just not that kinda girl. I feel sexy when I'm comfortable. I'd recommend Keen's. I have half a dozen pairs and they're all so comfortable you could sleep in them, though not if your fetishist had anything to say about it. I have a girlfriend who is beautiful - except for her feet - which look like a Hobbit's feet. No one is perfect. By the way I've always love the word surcease - I had to mention it. You don't see that word very often.
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1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
My Inncker Chick's avatar

My Inncker Chick · 625 weeks ago

omgosh, I covet Carrie Bradshaw's shoes in my dreams! r u kidding me.

I love the shoes your co-workers are wearing. WHAT THE HELL do you do? Where do you work? My co-workers wear comfortable boring shoes.

I especially LOVE the butterfly shoes. WOW. Xx KIss
My recent post Free of Him
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Nah, I gave up on heels after about 1 try in them. My feet aren't all that, and I've never been seduced because of them. That foot fetish guy sounds like he had other issues worthy of your concern. Good thing you eased away - in Easy Spirits? What kind of shoes did he wear?

My recent post My First Author Interview
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
As you know my feet are on par with Herman Munster's feet, so I've never had a man, blind or with site, not even Bigfoot ask me on a date because of my feet. I thank my father for my witty genes and my foremothers for my intellect, otherwise I'd have never kissed a boy and lived to write about it. I too went through the shoe obsession phase, but then, years ago I was a travel whore, always in the airport standing in line, running to catch a plane, to change planes, or walking the three plus miles between terminal a and b. Girly shoes with slender little straps are not cut out for dodging and diving around on going traffic. I discovered the ever and always will be unattractive Dankso clog. Hideous, okay, a bit, comfort, OMG, let me tell you how they hug my feet. At least now they come in cool colors. My favs are the reds. Only when forced, and I mean truly forced, do I don a girly shoe. I still look at them whenever I am walking through the department store, sometimes I even get dreamy-eyed, but that's the extent of my lust. Look but never buy.
My recent post A Louis B. Woman
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Wow! I love shoes but I'm too lazy to wear them.
My recent post The escape wd ct 595
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Haha! I went out with someone once who when we put our feet in the pool on a hot day, he said, "Wow, you have big feet!" I'm 5'9 too but my shoe size is 7 1/2 (more like 8 now that I'm approaching the big 4-0). I went on about how tall I am and I don't really have big feet for my size, but he just said, having disregarded everything I said, "I meant it as a good thing."
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Fun post. It had a toe-hold on me, though I have to wonder, exactly where do you work that your co-workers wear such dazzling shoes? I can't believe accounting. If that's the case, your place of business must actually be a front for some nefarious activity. Seriously, I work in an office where "dress for success" is the policy. There are plenty of heels, but our heels are more subdued, shall we say? Or as Kim says, boring. Your office looks like it goes clubbing at the end of the day. Maybe I should be looking into going into accounting?
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Haha! I used to say I'd rather have 10 pairs of $10 shoes than one pair of $100 shoes... (OK, yeah I'm dating myself there I know). But lately, I'm rather enjoying the comfort of the more expensive shoes. I just wish I'd taken better care of my feet when I was younger so I could still get away with sexy shoes now!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Stephanie's avatar

Stephanie · 624 weeks ago

Had to comment on this one, because I can't wear heels either. And no one makes cute sexy shoes for us! NO ONE! Do they know how much I would pay for cute sexy shoes? Argh. :)
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I miss the days of tall sexy heels. But after falling off those towering shoes more than once, I'm now in flats. It's what I wrote about too on this bloghop...aaahhh I remember the days.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Reading all these posts from the Blog Hop two things stand out...we are conflicted about our hair (short/long, grey/colored) and we miss how high heels made us feel. Sometimes I try on a pair of my niece's new high heels, just to see if they hurt. We all know the answer to that one. Now I only wear high heels if I am going out to dinner and know I can sit the entire have wine to help with the pain.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
All I can really say is, Sweet Mary Mother of God Kevin Costner was gorgeous. Also, beware the foot fetishists. I met one once who had two tin legs. They're a strange bunch.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Beautiful shoes! But I must say that other than LOVING a good foot massage, I've not been much of one for shoes or feet, mine or anyone else's. So this is an eye-opener for me, in that I never considered the feet when considering aging gracefully. (Well, except that I do NOT want foot problems, or bunions or other icky things associated with old feet.) Okay, now I'm really considering my feet... and will everyone else's. Thank you... I think. :-D
My recent post Picture this: Mates for life
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
AAAAH... I had an online 'romance' with a foot fetish guy! Love this post as that scene from Bull Durham is my all time fantasy.
My recent post Aging Gracefully? Bring It On!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Oh this hits close to home. I have foot issues now, too. High heels are not my friend. :(
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
That was hilarious! I'm sorry about your feet. Mine have a date-stamp on them, too. I'm still wearing heels, but every day I wonder for how long.

And now I envy you. Not only are you hilarious, but men want to play with your feet. I've never had a foot fetisher proposition me, although my husband just offered to suck my toes after I read him this post. He knows how to make me feel better. I must be old now though because I'd rather he massaged them than suck them.
2 replies · active 624 weeks ago
I got a good chuckle out of this! Not that you can no longer enjoy the shoes of your past, but most of what led up to it... As one who once wore a size 5, but being of the Lilliputian Persuasion, I was shocked and dismayed to find that my impression collection of heels would not longer fit after two babies, one right after the other.

No one told me that over the age of 30, the only thing that would ever get taller was my feet! Out with the old... and over the years, in with the new (but with two kids, from the sale shelves...). And it is certainly fascinating to encounter the foot fetishists and the shoe fetishists.... Though I like to think I mostly encountered the shoe and foot "appreciators"...

(Do you remember that episode of Sex and the City when Charlotte meets the icky Shoe Guy?)


Loved your post!
My recent post Why “Aging Gracefully” Doesn’t Suit Me
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I wear a size eleven. Now you may feel like Cinderella, even if you can't wear glass slippers. Neither can I.
My recent post Aging with Grace
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
So funny! I have to say, though, that I was fairly shocked at the number of potential serial murderers you have known. You get around, Girl!
My recent post Aging Gracefully or Why I Won’t Be Learning to Tap Dance
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Okay, I am crying laughing and think you need to kick that "friend" of yours with a stiletto!
My recent post Forget Aging Gracefully. I’m Planning to Age Gratefully.
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Funny post...loved the feet aged first..after wearing stilettos as a cool, young career girl...I faced bunion surgery a couple of years ago..and now, I am a flat only girl...but the great thing is all the cute flats in fashion now! A regular pedicure keeps me happy and feeling young!!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago

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